Life can be unbelievably challenging. I’ve tried just about every type of therapy in my quest to let go of my past and live free of negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours. I’ve travelled extensively, challenged myself physically, ran marathons, climbed mountains, and done countless yoga & meditation retreats.

I’ve tried sound therapy, colour therapy, CBT and psychodynamic counselling. I’ve chanted at the moon, journaled, tried manifestation and analysed my past until I had nothing left to say. What I’ve realised along the way is that my past is a part of who I am, and what has made me who I am today. Learning to look at ourselves in the mirror and accept all parts of ourselves is a challenging process.
Your life will start to align when you learn to love and accept yourself, realise what truly matters to you and live a life according to those values. Negative thoughts, feelings and emotions which have felt so overwhelming or held you back in some way will start to fall away. The fact you’re here now reading this means that you recognise something needs to change. In my eyes that makes you brave. Facing our fears, our habits, our feelings, our weaknesses can be incredibly daunting. But it is possible for you to change. The power to change is within all of us.
After years of experience and insight gained in searching for the right form of therapy to fit the problem for myself, training to become a therapist was a natural step. I’m naturally insightful, empathetic and honest which are useful skills for a therapist. These are skills I’ve been able to develop whilst looking inwards on my own personal quest for emotional wellbeing. The reason I chose to train in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy was because it is proactive and forward focused. That is not to say we won’t revisit the past, but only if it’s a way to gain insight and understanding. Then going on to train in Sports Hypnotherapy was another natural step for me, as sport has been such an integral part of my family life. What makes the greatest athletes tick and achieve the levels that they do is something that I continue to study as it is a personal interest of mine.
I continually study to advance my skills and understanding. I study with both the UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy and the Anglo European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis. I have also trained online with the Centre for Healing in Australia. Along with hypnotherapy and CBT I am trained in Acceptance & Commitment therapy, trauma & PTSD, Somatic Processing, functional imaging techniques, mindfulness, meditation and advanced breathwork techniques.
If you’ re interested to find out more I’d love to hear from you. Just contact me and we can take it from there.
Keira x